Please help us fill our stand and fulfill our contract. We are in need of 5 volunteers to work the FFA event at Lucas Oil Stadium on Friday 11/01/2019.  The hours are 5:30 AM to 2:00 PM This event pays an additional $5.00 per hour so you will be earning $17.50 per hour! (Less 10% for band general fund) This is an alcohol free event so volunteers can be 18 or older.

We need a minimum of 5 to fulfill our contract, please sign up in CutTime if you can help. If there are no open spots in CutTime email me at [email protected] and I will see if there are extra open spots. Carpooling can be arranged and you will be able to park in the concessions lot. This is a great way to raise funds for your marcher’s account. Remember we are obligated to supply 7 workers for each Colts game and each other event we have committed to.

Without the concession stand we lose the ability to work the Convention center opportunities as well. In order to sign up for any of the convention center banquet opportunities you must have either worked one shift in the concession stand or be signed up to work a shift in the concession stand. Working the concession stand requires a liquor permit, Frontline Training, and Tips training. Training opportunities will be available shortly. Please email [email protected] if you need the training.